The Origins of Linux by Linus Torvalds

Hello everyone!

I haven’t posted in some time due to heavy school schedule and work. However, my classmate and friend dropped his jaw today at me and one other person for never hearing of Linus Torvalds. Later on tonight, I receive an email from my friend with a link to a YouTube video of Linus giving a speech about the origins of Linux. The video is quite interesting due to the fact that I went into it believing this guy is just a pure genius to begin with. I mean, come on … the man created his own OS. That is grounds for being an automatic genius. Just a few minutes into the speech I really thought he was just one of those random geniuses when he discusses that it was written his second year of school. However, he had to do what I must do and do self practice on things he does not know.

Then, Linus began speaking about the two reasons why he didn’t stop developing. This caught my attention big time. Why? The second reason was because he made a mistake and deleted his MINIX partition and had to make a choice. Click on the video to find out what choice he made which changed the world of operating systems!

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog,

Ryan D.

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